Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Oh yeah, and we only have 2 more days until we find out the sex of the baby!!

I want to hear everyone's predictions. Comment and tell me what you think. I will let you guys know Thursday evening!!


  1. I say girl off of your wanting chocolate covered strawberries...can't wait to find out!!

  2. After reading your status about your LOVE for slurpees... Im gonna say GIRL!!! (ohhh please!) either way... a boy will be fun too.

  3. Vanessa! I am glad you found my blog, so we can be blogging buddies. I have to jump on the bandwagon and say a girl, too. But I am ALWAYS wrong, so maybe a boy, but i imagine you with a girl more. Check your email. I invited you to a shower for Maria next week.

  4. I'm going out on a limb here... I say boy... just because everyone else says girl. Good luck! Can't wait to find out!!

  5. I'm not really sure, but I am sure it's a baby and time does go way to fast. Cort will be turning 2 in 6 weeks. It is crazy to think about it.
