Friday, May 24, 2013

BBQ fun!

Another post full of pictures. Because really, I love to take pictures of the kids playing with Daddy, and see their fun expressions when I pull out the camera!

The other night we had a BBQ our in the back yard. It was nice to get out of the house for a bit. Dad has been cooped up so much lately after his surgery, that fresh air was nice for a change.

Oh, and I bought a horseshoe game at target in their dollar section. So fun to teach the kids how to play...or at least pretend to play!

Then we decided to have some races. Gracie was such a good girl and never complained that she always got beat. Even though we tried cheating a ton of times, to help her win. Will's just too smart for us!

So Sean tried to run with her. Well, sick little (and yes, I mean little. The man has lost over 15 lbs in a week!) him couldn't make it too far. And he got yelled at by me, because she was well over his 5lb lifting limit.

And we learned that these are NOT racing shorts. Because he started off fine, then looked funny running back. When he got to me, he turned around and I realized him shorts were down to his thighs!!! Silly boy

Wednesday, May 15, 2013