Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gracie 4 months

Wow, the other day I realized it's been more than 2 months since I have posted. At first I turned to Sean and told him "I'm a horrible Mom...I haven't updated the family blog". But I quickly reminded myself that instead of updating it, I'm making memories with my babies!!

Oh, and I also have been  updating my other blog, and there's family ones on there too. So you can get a quick update there from time to time (

BUT, today we had Gracie's 4 month checkup and I decided that we needed an update on this precious little one.

Here's her stats!
24 3/4' length (65 percentile)
14lbs 13 oz (71 percentile)
16 inch head (35 percentile)

She got shots today, and took them like a champ. She didn't cry for the first one, but started to after the second. William was sitting on the table with her and he started crying too and yelling "ma sista, ma sista". As soon as Gracie heard his voice she turned to him, stopped crying, and started to laugh!! I get teary eyed over the bond these two already have!

She's having a hard time with the after effects of the shots now. She's currently out cold on the couch!

Oh, and today was her first day with Piggies! She's to die for!

Also, she has become a PRO TALKER!!! Check her out

How in the world did I ever get so lucky to have these babies in my life?